Includelets are used to place blocks of content on a page, and can be used to help keep a Voice website active and interesting while often requiring no maintenance from the administrator.

Includelets can be configured to inherit to sub-pages. When enabled, this means that the Includelet not only appears on the current page, but any other pages below it in the Site Map.

To add or edit includelets, go to the Layout tab of the page.

Adding Includelets

To add a new includelet click the Add Includelet button in the Slot you wish to add it. You will be presented with a list of available Includelets, which you select by clicking on them.

If you don't see any Add Includelet buttons then it means you're viewing the live revision of the page. Click the link to make a new revision and then the button will appear at the top of each Slot.

Editing Includelets

If you would like to modify an existing Includelet you must first make sure it is editable by checking that the Includelet is coloured white in the Layout tab.

If the includelet is grey it means one of two things:

  1. You are viewing the live revision of the page, in which case you must make a new revision before you can edit the includelets.
  2. The includelet is inherited from another page on your site, in which case you must go to the parent page and edit it on there, then publish that page.

Available Includelets

  • Audio Asset - An audio file from the Assets Library, with play/pause controls.
  • Background Begin and Background End - use this to create a block of colour, or background image, around a section of content. You need to place both a Begin and End includelet in the same column, and then all Includelets between the Begin and End will have the selected background.
  • Carousel, Accordion, or Grid - add blocks of content to a page that are animated as a carousel, or pop-openable as an accordion, or displayed as a grid of thumbnails. See this helpsheet for further details.
  • Child List - This creates a clickable list of the content pages in the site map below the current page. Adding this is equivalent to creating a page of type Folder and enabling the display of sub-items. It is used in this documentaton to create the grey boxes with the title and subtitle of pages.
  • Community Information - This Includelet can automatically place variables from your website information data such as address and contact details within a page. The contents on this Includelet will automatically be updated when you update your website details in the Site Settings tab.
  • Contact Information - displays your contact details from the Website Settings, including a map and social media links.
  • Content Item - This Includelet determines where your website will display main Body text from the Edit sub-tab of the current page. If you delete this your page will appear blank. You can use it to position the content on the page among other Includelets
  • Content Item Metadata - This can be used to display extra information about the page, such as author and keywords.
  • Contributions - Displays the latest forum posts and comments by members in this site.
  • Custom Content - This gives you a WYSIWYG editor and allows you to create custom comment to place anywhere on your page, or inherit to subpages. You can also select an image that will be displayed to the left or right of the content. You can use this to build nicely flowing content by adding several to a page with images floated to left and right, or simply to add a block of text, or even just to add an image to a column.
  • Email Contact Form - This allows you to create your own customised "Contact Us" pages. You can create as many as you want for different uses. Options:
    • Email address - the email address that comments will be emailed to when the form is filled in, this is not visible to the people filling in the form.
    • Email subject - the subject line of the email that is sent (the user who fills in the form never sees this - only the receiver of the emails)
    • CAPTCHA required - if turned on Voice will display a CAPTCHA to anonymous users which needs to be completed before they can submit the form, in order to reduce spam. Logged in users will not need to do this.
  • Filtered Item List - This is a highly configurable Includelet to show bulleted lists of content pages from your site. Options:-
    • Section - Which folders(s) would you like to pull items from? You can add more than one section to the list. If you leave it blank it uses pages below the page on which you place the Includelet.
    • Content type - Filters the list of results displayed in the Includelet to just the type specified. For example it can be configured to show only pages of type "news story".
    • Search string - this filters the list of results displayed in the Includelet on a search of the words in the content. E.g. add the word "banana" to get only pages relating to bananas. The search system uses a "fuzzy match" of the word - so searching for "drive" would find "driver, driving, drives" etc.
    • Publish start/end date - a date range for when the article was published. It uses midnight on the day specified, so for example if you selected 21/07/2022 as the start date and 22/07/2022 as the finish date then you get pages from between midnight on the 21st and midnight on the 22nd.
    • Publish min/max age - a period of time to filter the displayed results by. E.g., if you select "1 day" as the maximum age it'll show only articles published in the last 24 hours. If you select "1 day" for the minimum age it'll show only articles published over 24 hours ago.
    • Display mode - whether to display only the title, title and subtitle (including thumbnail image), or the full item.
    • Extra Display Options - some extra optional bits of info that can be shown with the listing. e.g., the average star rating.
    • Sort order - determines the order the results are displayed. Please note that if you order by rating only pages that have a rating will be returned.
    • Present links to allow the user to sort results - if you select "yes" then when you view the page there will be buttons to order by name, date, rating, and popularity. This will override the order which you select in the "Sort order" option.
    • Limit - the number of results to return in the list. Supplying a value of 0 will result in unlimited results.
    • List mode - specifies whether you want the results in a list, a list with numbers, or just a plain presentation.
  • Filtered Item List Keywords - Shows a list of keywords in use by items in selected section, and filters content in any Filtered Item List on the page using the selected keyword.
  • Forums - This Includelet shows you a synopsis of forums in your website. It won't do anything if you don't have any forums to show.
  • Item List - Creates a list or grid, with images, to other pages on your site, or pages on external sites.
  • Latest News - this Includelet can be used to display news stories from your site, with various time periods or in most recent or least recent order.
  • Latest Posts - shows the most recent posts from the Weblog or Noticeboard apps. You can configure whether to show them in a list (great in a side column) or a grid (perfect for the main column). Shows the post's image and subtitle.
  • Next and Previous Page Links - Displays links to the next and previous page in the same folder. You can see this in action in the documention, at the bottom of this page!
  • Photo Album - (Only if Photo Album application is enabled) - Displays a grid of images from a Photo Album. Clicking on an image opens it in a modal with next/previous buttons. Similar to Related Image Gallery includelet.
  • Poll - shows a poll (from the Polls application) on your page.
  • Random item - this will display any random CMS item or a specific item if you choose it. Options:
    • Item - if selected this item will be displayed rather than a random one
    • Display mode - whether to display only the title, the teaser (including thumbnail image), or the full item
    • Content type - if the Includelet is configured to display a random page, it will only choose pages of this type
  • Raw HTML - Add a snippet of HTML to any page. Useful to embed a script or custom widget.
  • Related Image Gallery - Display a grid of images and videos related to the current page. Clicking on an image opens it in a modal with next/previous buttons. Similar to Photo Album includelet.
  • RSS Feed - A list of links to items in an RSS feed, from the Feeds application.
  • Shared Communities - This shows a list of communities that you're shared with, if there are any. Options:
    • Title - A title for the Includelet in the page it is to be used.
    • Limit - an optional limit to the number of communities to show. 0 for unlimited
  • Site Map - This Includelet shows a list of all the pages in your site, rather like the Site Map in the CMS itself.
  • Survey - Place a single Survey directly on the page. The Survey needs to be enabled and have single section. You can use this, for example, to embed a custom membership form on a page.
    If you turn on CAPTCHA required then Voice will display a CAPTCHA to anonymous users which needs to be completed before they can submit the Survey, in order to reduce spam. Logged in users will not need to do this.
  • Surveys List - This Includelet shows you a synopsis of surveys in your website. It won't do anything if you don't have any surveys to show.
  • Upcoming Events - This shows upcoming events from your calendar. You can configure whether to show them in a list (great in a side column) or a grid (perfect for the main column). Shows the title and image of each event, and optionally the description too.
  • Video Asset - A video from the Assets Library, with play/pause controls.
  • Vimeo Video and YouTube Video - embed a video on the page, with option to allow it to resize responsively for different size columns/screens.